Friday 26 October 2012

The second outcome from 4th October tutorial session

After we went through the first session, we have successfully define our main concern of increasing in population and took it into our consideration. In order to possess more idea on our main focused,
we have come out another 100 links (mind-map) which relates to this concern to further illustrate our point of view into this main issue.

The picture showed below indicated our progress to get another 101 links to further our illustration on how the increase in population would affect the society,economic and etc.

After we sought feedback and coached by our lecturer or tutor, Mr.Stephen Ong, we have further decided to choose an important issue from the 100 links that need to be discuss in the next stage.

The picture shown below would probably be the summary for the (mind-map) of the population increase by using computer system.


First outcome from the brainstorming

This is our first progress in the brainstorming on 27th September 2012 and as far as we are concern, we are required to come out 101 idea from the brainstorming to decide one main issue to be focused in our research studied.

At the end of our brainstorming, we have decided to concentrate on our main concern which is the increase in population.

The picture showed below is how we get our 102 idea from brainstorming:-

These were the beginning 51 idea from the brainstorming, let's continue:-
These were the idea from 52 to 101, the picture showed above indicated our group have been successfully develop an 102 idea to prepare our self to the next stage. However, as based on the picture shown above, the last idea of brainstorm was not exist in the mahjong paper provided mainly due to the spacing have been fully occupied. Thus, we have written the last idea of 102 on the white board. The next picture would shown the overall result from our brainstorming which have been summaries using computer system.
The picture above shown the overall idea of our brainstorming result from 1 to 102, from the picture above, we have chosen the last idea to develop our assignment for the following stages.

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome to our blogger and we are here to address our progress of coursework for the whole cycle. Let's begin our journey from here.

We are come from Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management year 1 student. (AHR1)
It's our responsibility to address our group member here, please have a look at it.

Our group leader,
Yu Wai Lam

Our group member,

Li Chee Wah (Leonard)

Jiney Wong Siew Ing
Tan Teck Kim (Janice)

We have formed our group since 21st September 2012, we begin to discuss the topic we are going to cover in our coursework.