Saturday 3 November 2012

Time frame for assignment

In the seventh stage on 2nd November 2012 (Lecture session), we are required to design our assignment time frame for review. In this case, we would need to first determine the stuff that we need to do on this assignment. For example, develop proposal, literature review, develop hypothesis, check hypothesis and etc.

After we have successfully determine the category of each stuff, we would need to decide how long to take in order to finish the stuff and how many and who would be participate on the particular activity. Ultimately, we have come out the list of the assignment's time frame. However, we are requested to draw the chart on how assignment being started and the progress on how many days it took to the end of the assignment.

At the beginning, Mr.Stephen tried to explain how does the time frame work

 These were the stuff we are going to face whilst doing this assignment, in the picture it shown the days and also the incharge person for the subject matter. However, as this is a group project, after our formal discussion among our group member, all of us should be participate and involve in every subject matter to indicate our team work.
Janice was drawing the chart and mark down the days it spends

This was the outcome produce at the end of the lecture
This is the formal time frame provided by our Lecturer Mr.Stephen Ong during the lecture class. The above time frame consist of the days and criteria, our group have been divided the days for each activity in this assignment.

On the next day, Mr.Stephen comment on our time frame and he did mentioned that we are required to include the dependency based on the criteria we have written.

Therefore, the new table for the criteria, days, dependency and who is incharge for each criteria have been implemented.
The picture shown above is the criteria involved in this assignement, days, dependency of the criteria and who is incharge for the criteria. As this table consist of dependency, thus, the new time frame for this table is required.
The picture shown above indicated the dependency of each criteria towards another, the black line indicate the days used to finish the criteria, whereas, the red line indicated the dependency of the criteria.

Model, Reference, Hypotheses and Literature Review

In the sixth stage on 1st November 2012, we are summarising our finding on the literature review
regards to our Independent Variable (IV) and provide the reference for such literature review.
Today, we are taught on how to deal with the hypotheses. For example: Poverty lead to low education standard or poverty do not lead to the low education standard.
Besides that, we are required or asked to create a facebook page on our research topic, by using the facebook as a tool to test on our hypotheses. Furthermore, we were asked to invite 100 over people to LIKE our page, luckily we manage to achieve 100 on the next day.

These are some of the Literature Review that we have done

These were the remaining IV which required to look for the literature review.
These were the primary model that we concern the most 
This is the model which include the IV, MV, and DV.
Based on the picture, it showed that some of the IV have been provided the reference for review. 
Hypothesis have been listed according to the Independent Variable (IV)

This is the final outcomes from this tutorial lesson, the subject matter's Hypotheses.Further to this, we are required to post our hypotheses in our Facebook page and request feedback from public's opinion.
Literature Review
Literally, there were many journals have been written by researchers regarding the relationship between poverty and low level of education. There are also journals that write about the reasons that affect the level of education. According to Labour in Month Review (2004), individuals who are earning a low income are those who usually work in services industry that do not require high education level. In other words, higher education means higher earning potential. Besides that, Bynner (1998) had conducted a research in which the result shows that low-educated teenagers who were born in 1958 are easier to get a job than those born in 1970. This may show that our future generations are facing low level of education in the future.

Firstly, poverty and financial are the main obstacle that lead to low level of education. According to Habib and Waheed (2011), the increasing population in rural area associated with low productivity will caused poverty which subsequently has also led to low level of education in the society. Besides that, Sabel (2001) also mentioned that poverty will lead to low education attainment which caused the workers being employed in low-skilled job and low-paid job. Bell and Rimmer (2001) and Upham and Wright (1966) also stated the abovementioned point in their research.

In addition, Huang, Liang and Wang (2004) stated that those belonged to chronic poverty are those who had been poorly educated and therefore have less employment opportunities. According to Schriver and Bowlby (1972), higher level of formal education and vocational training will lead to higher earnings. In addition, Maxwell (2008) also stated that the level of education attainment will make wages differential among the workers. Therefore, Janjua et. al. (2011) stated that education is the most important factor to alleviate poverty. Smith (2010) mentioned that education is able to eliminate poverty and provide quality man powers to the labour market. Pandey et. al. (2006) also mentioned that women should pursue higher level of education as it is the solution to poverty.

According to Shilpa Banerji (2011), low family income is the major barrier for students to pursue higher education as they always take the fees into consideration. ToseeAzid and RanaEjaz Ali Khan (2010) and Samuel Jebaraj Benjamin et. al. (2011) also mentioned the above point in their research. Besides that, Justin (2010) also mentioned that the high tertiary fees make students to take longer period in finishing their study as financial aid is reducing. US Department of Education mentioned that, most of the qualified low-income students have been denied access to the college (Anonymous 2011). Aparna Mitra & Pooja Singh (2008) also stated that poverty rate will also affect literacy, school enrollment and dropout rates of students. Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2010) found that there is education’s attainment gap between the low and high-income family.

Besides that, parents’ education level, demographic characteristics, household income status do have great influence on children’s opportunity to access to higher education (Gillian et. al. 2011). UNESCO (2008) and Driscoll and Nagel (2008) also stated the abovementioned point that poverty and education is closely related. Aldieri (2012) in his research stated that there is negative relationship between the number of children in Italian families and the children’s opportunity to pursue education. Moreover, parents who are involved in child labour would be more likely to let their children trade off from school (Jackline 2010). Furthermore, in Kenya, there are few factors to consider before deciding to send their children to further their study such as family’s earnings, education level of household head, gender of children, availability of schools and age of the children (Ngware et. al. 2006).

Additionally, Lundahl and Sj¨oholm (2009) had also stated that poor economic development and poverty lead to low level and quality of education. Schwarz and Hill (2010) stated that minorities were being eliminated to get a quality education which caused low level of education among them. A research of native Indian children had been conducted and the result shows that there is gender gap in the opportunity to pursue education (Joshi 2010). The study conducted by BernardinSenadza (2012) also shows the same result. Mulford et. al. (2008) also proved that there is direct linkage between the poverty and education. It also shows that the importance of the quality school in high-poverty communities.

According to Shazia Naureen et. al. (2012), minimal investment of government investment on education will result in low level of education. In addition, as referred to Salman (2010), the education vouchers given by government to poor students increase and improve the quality and performance of students. According to Borg et. al. (2012), the quality of teacher has direct relationship with the student achievement and performance as well as the level of education attained by students. Hanushek and Rivkin (2010) also stated similar point as abovementioned. On the other hand, Clotfelter et. al. (2004) claimed that inability to retain high quality teachers will be the main obstacle for the students to be successfully attaining higher education level.


The model of IV,DV,MV,IVV etc.

In the fifth stage, we begin to start our model by define our main Independent Variable (IV) which would probably lead to the Dependent Variable (DV). Moreover, we are discussing the possible Motivational Variable (MV), Intervening Variables (IVV) which depends on our finding from the Literature Review. However, we have not started our Literature Review. Therefore, we have no choice yet force to come out some possible (MV) which may potentially affect the DV.

The picture shown below have indicated how we deliver the sticky notes to the model:-

Jiney is trying to move the sticky notes to the model
Leonard is also applying the IV in the model

Our group leader (Wai Lam) is discussing our finding to MR.Stephen Ong


The picture above have been successfully modified using computer system and presented more clearly to understand how was the model practice in the business research's cycle.
Throughout the discussion between wai lam and Mr.Stephen Ong, we have been narrowed down the Literature Review based on the remaining IV in the model.

Exploratory, Descriptive, Causal

During the forth stage on 18th October 2012 (week 5), we have asked to develop our main idea which was the "low education level of future generation" and further divided into the exploratory, descriptive and causal.
This was the time we began to utilise our sticky note into our studied.

In the Exploratory, we are required to find out something that we are not define, such as "what is low education?"

In the Descriptive, it should be measurable and testable. It could be the research from other author provided the result data that could be proved that the low education is exist somewhere around the world.

In the Causal, this probably would be the reason which lead to the low education standard, such as poverty of family, country etc.

The picture below would show us the clearer view on the activities we have went through:-

After we have done the part of stick the sticky note on the mahjong paper, we sought for advice from Mr Stephen Ong, he tried to explain the main purpose for using this technique and also went through what we have been done on the mahjong paper. He tried to redness or correct our point which have been placed wrongly and further explain on such error.

In addition, we are required to begin our Literature Review which regard to our finding based on the sticky notes placed on the mahjong paper. According to the requirement, each group should be able to produce 100 useful Literature Review from the online resources such as ProQuest, Emerald, EBSCOhost Business Source Complete etc.

Besides that, we have taught the technique of Independent Variable(IV), Dependent Variable(DV), Motivational Variable(MV) and any other variable which are correlation towards our study matter.


Third outcome from 11st October 2012 tutorial session

In the Third outcome from 11 October 2012 tutorial session in week 4, we manage to select an outstanding link that we have created in the second outcome to narrow down the topic of studied. 
We did spend around 15 minute to discuss on which idea should be narrow down, after that, we have reached the consensus to select the " Increase in population lead to low education level of future generation".

The picture shown above was the topic that our group have chosen and further develop considerable ideas and links on it. Yet,we sought for Mr.Stephen Ong feedback before we proceed to the next stage.

The following picture would show a clear and precise picture on how our topic's progress. As based on the the picture shown above may find it difficult to read the contain of the mahjong paper, therefore, we have provided a more clearer picture from our computer system for convenience purpose.