Wednesday 19 December 2012


In a nutshell, our model is accepted which means poverty will lead to low education of future generation. Financial would be the main concern for those who earn little income for the family, which is RM 3000 and below. Poverty in a family starts with the level of education attained by the parents. As mentioned earlier, low education level of the parents would cause them to engage in low-skilled and low-paid job Sabel (2001). Therefore, when thinking about their children’s future education cost, they may feel discourage to spend money on it. As a result, again the next generation will face the same problem as their parents.

Additionally, we are able to achieve the stated research objectives. Firstly, as mentioned in the above, we are able to prove that there is direct relationship between poverty and low education of future generation. Secondly, we are able to come out with a solution to this problem. The resolution will be discussed in the following section.

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