Wednesday 19 December 2012


Time Constraint
After summarising our research, we found that time constraint is the major limitation that our group is facing. As our target group is not focus only in a specific area, we have to conduct the survey at different low-cost living area in KL and Pahang. Besides that, due to personal safety issue, our group decided to conduct the survey in a group instead of conducting the survey at different places alone. This may indirectly delay the progress of our research.
Additionally, every group is required to conduct at least 100 survey questionnaires in order to produce relevant data to support our research subject matter. However, we found that out of the 100 respondents we met, only 84 respondents match the criteria of our target group which is monthly household income of RM 3000 and below and due to time constraint, we could not manage to get another 16 respondents who are eligible for our research topic. Therefore, the outcome of the research may mainly concentrate on the data and information obtained from this group of people.

Lack of Qualitative Research
As this is a quantitative research, sometimes the validity and reliability of the data obtained from the respondents may be questionable. For instance, in our questionnaire, we did ask the household income of each family. Through the survey, we realised that some parents are quite hesitate in answering this question as they feel embarrassed to reveal the little amount of their income. As a result, some of the respondents might deliberately state their income higher than the actual income they earned.

Moreover, lack of qualitative research means that we are unable to have in-depth knowledge regarding our research topic based on the data collected from the respondents. For example, in our questionnaire, we did ask about the respondents’ financial background like household income and whether they do receive government cash aid and subsidy. However, these questions do not reveal much information that their children will attain low level of education in the future.

Sensitive Issue in the Questionnaire
Furthermore, sensitive issue in our questionnaire has caused some respondents refused to answer our survey. As referred to our research, our target population would be those respondents earning RM 3,000 and below. Therefore, to further prove that the respondents do belong to low-income group, we have designed a question which regard to whether the respondents do receive government’s RM 500 cash aid. This question is considered sensitive to certain respondents as some of them are providing fake information in getting the cash aid.
As a result, some of the respondents may not reveal the actual answer in answering the survey questionnaire. Hence, the result in our research may probably include invalid information. Additionally, this sensitive issue has delayed the progress of our research as the respondent felt unhappy regarding the question and subsequently refused to continue the survey.

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